Living Well in Mind, Body, and Spirit

1. Healthy Responsibility:

Are you being responsible for yourself in all 3 domains: Mind, Body, and Spirit? What do you contribute (positively or negatively) to your current health/life situation? Are you overly responsible for others at the expense of your own well-being?

 Take Action:

Write down healthy goals. Attend a support group or a class. Research, be informed, ask questions. Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal

 2. Healthy Mind:

Does your mind race with endless thoughts? Are you preoccupied with the past or the future? Do you know how to live in the present moment?

 Take Action:

Practice mindfulness. Meditate. Reframe negative thoughts. Practice yoga, Tai Chi, mindful stretching.

 3. Healthy Spirit:

Do you know your purpose in life? Is life meaningful for you? Do you feel peace in your life or know how to restore peace in your life? Do worry and fear dominate your life? Do you feel loved and connected?

 Take Action:

Pray, connect to God or a divine source. Attend worship, prayer groups or support groups. Play music, sing, dance, be creative. Practice deep breathing, attention to breath. Connect with nature.

 4. Healthy Body:

Do you feel physically well and practice good self care? Do you have any habits that negatively affect your body? How do you manage stress in your body?

 Take Action:

Stretch & move your body. Massage your body or get a professional massage. Practice body scan, deep breathing. Exercise, walk, practice yoga, dance.

 5. Living Resourcefully:

Do you maximize your own inner resources? Do you know about the external resources available to you? Do you carefully research options for care?

 Take Action:

Get to know and use your inner resources: prayer, meditation, self compassion. Utilize a variety of external resources: Healthcare providers, therapists, pastors, friends, mentors. Talk to others about options for care.

 6. Daily Balance:

Learn how to remain calm during chaos. Check in with yourself routinely. Take the long view, life as journey.

 Take Action:

Be in the present moment. Be aware of your surroundings. Practice self-acceptance and “other” acceptance.

If the “Take Action” steps are a struggle, coaching may help. Book a Coaching Session today!


10 Attitudes of Mindfulness